Vivant et Lisse Belgian Tervuren

*Cimer (Musical Instruments) - NA, NAJ, NF, and OA (2016); OAJ, OF, AX, AXJ (2017); XF and Bad Dog Agility Breed Power Top 10 (2018); MX, MXJ, T2B, and Bad Dog Agility Breed Power Top 10 (2019); Bad Dog Agility Breed Power Top 10 (2020); XFP (2022)
*Fizz (Soda Pop) - NA and NAJ (2016)
*Harper (Musical Instruments) - NAP, NJP, and NFP (2019); OAP, OJP, and OFP (2022)
*Maizie (Dance Litter) - CL1-R, NAJ (2016)
*Shine (Classic Musicals) - ACT2 (2018), NAP, NJP, HP-N, TG-N, TN-N, and WV-N (2019); NFP and NA (2020); OAP, OJP, and OFP (2021); TN-O, WV-O, and O-GR-N (2022); TG-O and GR-O (2023)
*Sparkle (Soda Pop) - ACT1 (2016); NAP (2019); NJP and NFP (2020)
*Victor (Blessings Litter) - NAP and NJP (2017); NFP, OAP, OJP, OFP, AXP, and AJP (2018); NCC, NJC, NAC, XFP, MXP, MJP, MFP, MXP2, and MJP2 (2019); MXPB, MJPB, MXP3, and Bad Dog Agility Breed Power Top 10 (2020); MFPB and Bad Dog Agility Breed Power Top 10 (2021); PAX, MJP3, MJP4, T2BP, MXP4, MXP5, MXPS, TQXP, PACH and Bad Dog Agility Breed Power Top 10 (2022); Bad Dog Agility Breed Power Top 10 (2023); MXP6, MJP5, and MJPS (2024)
Barn Hunt
*Cash (Sonata's Show Tunes) - RATN (2018); RATO and RATS with high in class (2019); RATM with high in class (2020)
*Cord (Classic Musicals) - RATN (2017); RATO (2018)
*Finn (Blessings Litter) - RATN, RATO, and RATS with high in class (2016); RATM, RATCH, CZ8B, and CZ8S with high in class (2017); RATCHX, CZ8G, CZ8P, CZ8PB, and CZ8PS with high in class (2018); RATCHX2, RATCHX3, CZ8PG , CZ8P2, and CZ8P2B with high in class (2019); RATCHX4, RATCHX5, CZ8P2S, and CZ8P3 with high in class and Top 10 fastest Belgian Tervuren in masters (2020); CZ8P3B, CZ8P3S, CZ8P3G, RATCHX6, and RATCHx7 with high in class and Top 10 fastest Belgian Tervuren in masters (2021); CZ8P4, CZ8P4B, and RATCHx8 with high in class (2022); CZ8P4S, CZ8P4G, CZ8P5, CZ8P5B, CZ8P5S, RATCHx9, and RATCHx10 with Top 10 fastest Belgian Tervuren in masters (2023); RATCHx11, RATCHx12, RATCHx13, and CZ8P6 (2024); RATCHx14 and CZ8P6B (2025)
*Harper (Musical Instruments) - RATN (2017); RATO with Top 10 fastest Belgian Teruvren in open (2021)
*Maizie (Dance Litter) - RATN with high in class and RATO with high in class (2016)
*Reyna (Classic Musicals) - RATN with high in class (2018)
*Ripple (Legacy Litter) - RATN (2018); RATO (2019)
*River (Blessings Litter) - RATN and RATO with high in class (2017)
*Shine (Classic Musicals) - RATN with high in class (2017); RATO, RATS, and CZ8B with high in class (2018); RATM, CZ8S (2019); Top 10 fastest Belgian Tervuren in masters (2020); CZ8G (2021); RATCH and CZ8P (2022)
*Sparkle (Soda Pop) - RATN and RATO with high in class (2018)
*Victor (Musical Instruments) - RATI (2017)
*Callie (Dance Litter) - champion out of the bred-by class (2015)
*Cash (Sonata’s Show Tunes) - champion (2022)
*Cimer (Musical Instruments) - champion (2017); grand champion (2018)
*Copper (Rainbow Litter) - champion (2010)
*Finn (Blessings Litter) - champion out of the bred-by class (2018); UKC champion (2025)
*Harper (Musical Instruments) - champion (2015); grand champion (2018)
*Jamie (Soda Pop) - champion (2015)
*Maizie (Dance Litter) - champion (2013)
*Paisley (Rainbow Litter) - champion (2017)
*Reyna (Classic Musicals) - champion out of the bred-by class (2018)
*Ripple (Legacy Litter) - champion out of the bred-by class (2023)
*River (Blessings Litter) - champion out of the bred-by class (2019)
*Sage (Rainbow Litter) - champion (2010); grand champion (2011); best in show (2012)
*Shine (Classic Musicals) - champion (2020)
*Sparkle (Soda Pop) - champion (2014)
*Sprite (Rainbow Litter) - champion out of the bred-by class (2009); grand champion (2012)
*Steeler (Rainbow Litter) - champion out of the bred-by class (2009)
*Victor (Blessings Litter) - champion (2018); grand champion (2024)

Family Dog (CGC, Tricks, FitDog, etc.)
*Bisbee (Copper and Gold) - VHMA (2022)
*Cash (Sonata's Show Tunes) - CGC (2018); TKN and TKI (2019)
*Cimer (Musical Instruments) - TKN, TKI, and TKA (2017); CGC (2018)
*Dyna (Board Games) - CGC, TKN, and FITB fit dog (2022); CGCA and CGCU (2023)
*Finn (Blessings Litter) - CGC (2016); CGCA and TKN (2017); TKI (2018); NTD and NTD-M (2021)
*Fizz (Soda Pop) - CGC (2015)
*Harper (Musical Instruments) - CGC (2018); TKN (2019)
*Maizie (Dance Litter) - CGC (2014); TKN, TKI, and TKA (2018); FITB fit dog (2024)
*Mars (Copper and Gold) - CGC (2023)
*Piper (Musical Instruments) - CGC (2015); TKN, TKI, TKA (2017)
*Reyna (Classic Musicals) - TKN (2018)
*Ripple (Legacy Litter) - CGC, TKN, and TKI (2019)
*River (Blessings Litter) - CGC (2016); TKN (2017); CGCA (2018); CGCU (2021)
*Shade (Soda Pop) - CGC and TKN (2018)
*Shine (Classic Musicals) - CGC, TKN, and TKI (2019); TKA (2020); NTD-M, ITD-M, ATD-M, TDCH, and TKP (2021)
*Sparkle (Soda Pop) - TKN (2016)
*Sprite (Rainbow Litter) - TKN and TKI (2018)
*Steeler (Rainbow Litter) - CGC (2016)
*Ticket (Board Games) - CGC, TKN, and FITB fit dog (2024)
*Victor (Blessings Litter) - CGC and TKN (2018); TKI (2019)
*Zeb (Dance Litter) - CGC (2017)
*Callie (Dance Litter) - PT (2014); HSAs and HIAs (2016)
*Cash (Sonata's Show Tunes) - herding instinct certificate (2019)
*Cimer (Musical Instruments) - herding instinct certificate (2017)
*Dyna (Board Games) - FDC (2022)
*Finn (Blessings Litter) - FDC and herding instinct certificate (2018)
*Fizz (Soda Pop) - HCT, FDC and PT (2018), HTAD 1 and HSCs (2020)
*Harper (Musical Instruments) - FDC (2019)
*Maizie (Dance Litter) - herding instinct certificate (2014)
*Piper (Musical Instruments) - HT (2019)
*Ripple (Legacy Litter) - herding instinct certificate (2019)
*Victor (Blessings Litter) - FDC and herding instinct certificate (2018)

Nosework / Scentwork
*Bisbee (Copper and Gold) - FDSA TEAM1 nosework, TEAM2 nosework (2023); SIN (2024)
*Cash (Sonata's Show Tunes) - SCN, SIN, SEN, SBN, and SWN with high in class (2019); SEA and SBA (2021); NW1, SHDN, SIA, SCA, SEAE, and SWA with high in class, SCE, SEE, and SBE (2022); NW2, SIE, SWE with high in class, SCM, SBM, and SHDA (2023)
*Cimer (Musical Instruments) - SIN and SBN (2022); SCN, SEN, and SWN (2023); SIA (2024)
*Finn (Blessings litter) - TL-1, UL-1, and SD-1 scent titles with the NASDA organization, SCN, SIN, SEN, SBN, and SWN (2022)
*Fizz (Soda Pop) - NW1 (2020); NW2 (2021); NW3-V, NW3-C, NW3-E, NW3-I, and NW3 (2022); NW3-Elite (2024)
*Mai (Dance Litter) - NW1 (2014); NW2 (2015); NW3 (2016); NW3-ELT (2017); NW3-ELT2 (2018); NW3-ELT3 (2019); ELT-CH (2020)
*Maizie (Dance Litter) - SCN, SIN, SEN, SBN, SWN with high in class, SHDN, SCA, and SIA (2018); SEA (2019); SBA, SWA, SCE, SIE, SEE, and NW1 (2023)
*Piper (Musical Instruments) - SCN, SIN, SBN, SEN, and SWN (2022)
*Reyna (Classic Musicals) - SCN, SIN, SEN, SBN, and SWN with high in class (2018)
*Ripple (Legacy Litter) - SCN, SIN, and SBN (2019); SEN, SWN, SCA, SIA, and SBA with high in class (2020); SEA and SWA with high in class (2021); SHDN, SIE, SEE, SBE, SCE, SWE, and NW1 with “pronounced” (2022); SCM and SEM (2023); NW2 with "pronounced" (2024)
*Shine (Classic Musicals) - SCN, SIN, SEN, SBN, and SWN with high in class (2020)
*Sparkle (Soda Pop) - DDCN, SCN, SIN, SEN, SBN, SWN, SCA, SIA, SHDN, and NW1 (2019); SEA, SBA, SWA, SCE, and SIE (2020); SBE, SEE, SWE, SENE, and SBNE (2021); SCNE, SINE, SWNE, and SIM (2023)
*Ticket (Board Games) - SCN, SIN, SEN, SBN, and SWN (2023)
*Cash (Sonata’s Show Tunes) - BN (2022)
*Finn (Blessings Litter) - BN (2022)
*Ripple (Legacy Litter) - BN (2022); CD (2023)
*River (Blessings Litter) - BH schutzhund companion dog (2017); BN (2019); CD (2020)
*Sage (Rainbow Litter) - CD and CDX (2012)
*Shine (Classic Musicals) - BN and CD with multiple high in trial (2018); CDX (2021)
*Sprite (Rainbow Litter) - CD, GN, and CDX (2011); GO and UD with multiple high in trial and multiple high combined (2012); VER (2014); OM1 (2015); UDX with high in trial (2016)
*Steeler (Rainbow Litter) - CD (2011); CDX (2013)
*Victor (Blessings Litter) - BH schutzhund companion dog (2019)
*Cali (Copper and Gold) - RN, RI, and RA (2024)
*Callie (Dance Litter) - RN (2013)
*Cash (Sonata’s Show Tunes) - RN (2023)
*Finn (Blessings Litter) - RN and RI (2018); RA (2020); RE (2022)
*Maizie (Dance Litter) - RN (2015); RA and RL-1 (2016); RE (2021)
*Ripple (Legacy Litter) - RN (2022); RI and RA (2023); RE (2024)
*River (Blessings Litter) - RN (2019); RI (2021)
*Sage (Rainbow Litter) - RN and RA (2011); RE (2012)
*Shine (Classic Musicals) - RN and RI (2018); RA and RE (2019)
*Sprite (Rainbow Litter) - RN (2010); RA and RE (2011)
*Steeler (Rainbow Litter) - RN (2009)
*Ticket (Board Games) - RN (2024)
*Shine (Classic Musicals) - certification (2018), TD (2019)

*Callie (Dance Litter) - CA coursing ability (2014)
*Copper (Rainbow Litter) - CA coursing ability (2014)
*Dyna (Board Games) - ATT temperament test and BCAT coursing ability (2022)
*Finn (Blessings Litter) - BCAT coursing ability (2020); DCAT coursing ability (2021); FCAT coursing ability (2022); FCAT2 coursing ability (2023)
*Maizie (Dance Litter) - CA coursing ability (2014)
*Reyna (Classic Musicals) - CA coursing ability (2019)
*Shine (Classic Musicals) - CA coursing ability (2018); BCAT coursing ability (2019)
*Sparkle (Soda Pop) - CA coursing ability (2014); TT temperament test (2017); FMD future messenger dog (2018); BCAT coursing ability (2019); DCAT coursing ability (2023)
*Zeb (Dance Litter) - CA coursing ability (2014)